Discover rural Andalucia

More about Casitas·Select

The easiest way to reserve your rental villa in Andalucia is through our web-site. On each description page you will find a link to our reservation form.

If you prefer so, you can also send us an email, fax or call us by phone:


Phone: +(34) 957813128

Fax: +(34) 957813129

Skype: casitas-select

You will be making a provisional reservation: the villa of your choice may be already booked, therefore we recommend to make a second and a third choice. Once availability is confirmed by us, you will be asked to reconfirm your reservation and will receive an invoice. A deposit of 25% (minimum 200€) is needed to confirm the booking if you reserved with more than 45 days prior to your arrival in Spain.

You will receive driving and key-instructions 28 days prior to your arrival to Andalucia.

IMPORTANT NOTE: please do not book flights until you receive our confirmation of your reservation.

Please do not hesitate to call us in case you have any questions.
